Monday, April 28, 2008

So Long CDMA

An event this auspicious can't be left without mention. Today is the day that Telstra will close its CDMA network.

Australia is finally joining most mobile operators in the world in using GSM (or officially WCDMA) technology to deliver their network, rather than CDMA which is used in very few markets (less than 14% of the total mobile phones users in the world are on CDMA).

Former CDMA users will see major benefits in better technology evolution and access to a better range of handsets at more competitive prices. Telstra will see the benefits of harmonising its platforms and the whole mobile eco-system will benefit from the Next G technology which is a major evolution in mobile data services.

Coverage issues for regional users will plague Telstra for some time, as will handset availability because of the 850mhz spectrum being used (see earlier posts) but even those issues can't stop progress.

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